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Oceanographic Information
Oceonographic Parameters Average Maximum Minimun Maximum Minimum
Swell (mts) 1.68 2.97 1.31 5.75 0.65
Period of the wave (seg.) 12 14.2 7.5 32.1 0.5
Tide (mts) 1.43 2.33 0.14 2.8 -0.2
Current (m/seg) 0.13
Density of sea water (g/cm2) 1,023.60 1,027.40 1,020.80 1,030 1,018
Salinity (%) 31.6 34.2 25.4 38 20
ORP mV SONDA (mV) -149.6 -20.0 -276.5 91.1 -276.5
Conductivity (Ms/Cm) 51.2 54.2 45.2
TDS (g/l) 32.1 34.6 25.5
Turbidity -2.06 -0.33 -2.27
Oxygen dissolved (%SAT) 75.8 139.3 10.1
PH (Unidades) 7.6 8.3 6.6 9.4 5.5
Sea water temperature (AM)ºC 29.1 31.2 26.3 32.1 23.4
Sea water temperature (PM)ºC 29.6 31.7 26.3 33.0 19.0

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