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The port complex covers an area of ​​835.15 hectares. It is divided into ten (10) zones for commercial purposes. They are offered for rent to entities interested in developing projects related to port activity.

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Zone 1 13.926855667964654,-90.79293742789764

Port area

Zone 2 13.934192207584802,-90.79003265739891

Administrative area

Zone 3 13.940938625307183,-90.78937715241545

Trade Area

Zone 4 13.92663242377441,-90.7800919420165

Description zone 4

Zone 5 13.934973776896186,-90.79631874411126

Description zone 5

Zone 6 13.947491411488155,-90.78969428505508

Description zone 6

Zone 7 13.931612064949713,-90.79980681025182

Description zone 8

Zone 8 13.93869671856919,-90.78348348339779

Description zone 8

Zone 9 13.967827036095713,-90.7893044741707

Description  zone 9

Zone 10 13.95870543004933,-90.78439662888405

Description zone 10

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